
The Easy Way to Use Redux Toolkit in React

Web development is moving so fast nowadays; technology is rapidly improving, and many innovations are being developed to help us get our work done more quickly and efficiently. We can use many libraries or frameworks to build web-based applications and tools such as React, Redux, and Redux ToolKit. Read more about Redux Toolkit in this article!

Next.js Framework; Simplify Your Web Building

Have you ever tried to create a React app? Then you will remember all the time it takes to set up our environment and optimization. In this post, we will introduce you to Next.js, a JavaScript framework to create React apps that handle the hassle for you. Read this article to know more!

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ReactJS with SASS/SCSS

Have you ever thought about style management? Styling is one of many processes during the web building process. As the development grows, its stylesheets increase in size and complexity, making them harder to maintain as time passes. Read more about how a CSS pre-processors can come in handy in this article!

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A Simpler Framework, Svelte

Svelte is a new approach to user interface development. Compared to other frameworks such as Vue and React, Svelte proves to be much simpler. Read this article to learn more about Svelte!

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