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Bali, Cyber Security, Mitrais, Software Development

The Importance of Cyber Security and Why Businesses Need Them

You need good cyber security to protect sensitive online information such as intellectual property, confidential records, government, and industry information.

Cyber security is the practice of safeguarding your data, hardware, network, and systems from digital attacks that result in theft and damage. These attacks can come in all shapes and sizes.

Businesses today operate and run entirely on the internet. Protecting your inventory, systems, and communication platforms from malware and viruses is the first step to running a smooth and safe operation.

In this guide, we’ll outline what cyber security is, why it’s important, and why businesses should have a good system in place to secure their data. Let’s get you up to speed.

A Background on Cyber Security

Cyber security is the process of protecting your programs, computer systems, devices, and networks from cyberattacks that come in various forms, such as:

  • Malware attacks
  • Phishing attacks
  • Man-in-the-middle attacks
  • Password hacks
  • Denial-of-service attacks
  • Insider attacks

A cyberattack is known to happen every 11 seconds. Every day, criminals are finding increasingly creative ways to infiltrate systems, gain confidential knowledge, hijack important business products and tools, and much more.

Importance Of Cyber Security

Without cyber security protocols in place, your business will be susceptible to hacking and data breaches. Malware, short for malicious software, can exfiltrate data in mass amounts and destroy computer systems.

Cybercriminals adopt sophisticated and constantly changing methods to target companies. They use technology to carry out malicious operations to gain illegal access and profit from them.

Cyber security ensures that your information and devices are protected against various attacks. Your personally identifiable information (PII), sensitive data, software, and hardware systems, as well as company networks, are afforded protection and are shielded from prying eyes.

Cyber security uses secure practices like multi-factor authentication, regular monitoring, secure configurations, firewalls, cloud security solutions, and much more to screen users and protect data.

Why Do Businesses Need Cyber Security?

Very few businesses nowadays run without devices and online technology. Even access to general services like banking needs cyber security to protect company and client interests.

Malicious actors can deploy malware and viruses to exploit your system. They can steal important data and demand ransoms worth $100,000 or more in some cases.

Advanced cyber security solutions provide robust AI/ML (artificial intelligence/machine learning) technologies to combat issues stemming from malware, viruses, and ransomware. Cyber security also offers recovery processes that back up and recover your data in case of a disaster.

Choose Mitrais for Cyber Security

At Mitrais, we deliver cutting-edge information security solutions, services, and products. We are committed to using cyber security to safeguard our client’s operations, networks, sensitive business data, access, and devices.

We believe cyber security begins from the inside, which is why we also provide training to your employees and IT teams so they can be your partners in maintaining cyber security.

Mitrais’ professional consultants will conduct risk assessments, threat detection, vulnerability assessments, and penetration testing to insulate your system from attacks before they happen.

Get maximum ROI, optimize your organization’s security protocols, and get the ultimate defense against cyberattacks with Mitrais’s cyber security solutions.

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