
The Important Role of Software Testers as Guardians of the Quality Agile Team

In the fast-paced world of software development, testers have a significant role as guardians of the quality Agile team, ensuring that the final product meets the users' needs and is free of defects. They play a crucial role in detecting issues early in the development process, saving time and money for the team. In addition, testers collaborate with the development team, using automation and regular software evaluation to guarantee its success. Find out more in this article!

Implementing Golang API Documentation Using Go Swagger Infographic

As a developer, we are already aware of the importance of documenting and organizing all the API's; but not every developer enjoys the documentation part of the job. The best way to assist us is to use a tool that can automatically prepare API documentation, and Swagger is the ideal tool for this purpose. Read this article to learn more!

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A Quick Introduction to NestJS

In the world of web development, we often encounter two popular front-end frameworks: ReactJS and Angular. ReactJS is known for its flexibility and freedom in creating user interfaces, while Angular is known for its stability and reliability in building web applications. Find out more about NestJS in this blog!

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Blazor WebAssembly and Server App Authentication against IdentityServer4

Blazor is a powerful and flexible framework for building modern web applications using C# and .NET. By leveraging the power of IdentityServer4 for authentication and authorization, you can build secure and reliable applications that meet the needs of your users and your organization. Read this article to learn more!

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Front-End Test Automation Using Selenium

Ensuring that a product meets the stakeholders' requirements or expectations is crucial in the software development process. To achieve that, we need someone in our team to regularly verify and validate the product. Do you know whose role this belongs to? You guessed it; the Quality Assurance (QA) team! Read this article to learn more about using automation testing tools to boost your productivity!

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How to Utilize Your Local Workstation to Learn CI/CD

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) is a software development practice that automates application build, testing, and deployment. By automating the build and deployment processes, CI/CD aims to give developers the ability to deliver new features and updates to users efficiently. CI/CD pipelines often include a set of automatic actions that are carried out whenever code changes are made. Read this article to learn more!

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Balancing Agile with Serious Security Considerations

Security in software development can no longer be a “nice to have” or an afterthought. Security must be front of mind whenever we are producing software solutions, whether that be in PWA, Desktop software solutions or mobile apps. We know that there is a rise in ransomware and cyber-attacks, and we often hear about data leaks, even from organisations that hold the most sensitive of data. Check out this infographic to learn more!

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How to Write Unit Tests Using the React Testing Library

Unit tests are small, isolated tests that assess a single function or unit of code. They are typically fast to run, easy to write, and are used to ensure that individual parts of the code are working correctly. Read this article to learn more about writing unit tests using the React Testing Library!

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Become More Productive on Windows with WSL

Linux OS is widely known as a productivity tool, especially for developers. It gives more flexibility and power to complete various tasks during development. On the other hand, Microsoft Windows holds the first place as the OS used for desktops because of its easiness, simplicity, and convenience. Read this article to learn how to become more productive on Windows with WSL!

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Implementing Golang API Documentation Using Go Swagger

As a developer, we are already aware of the importance of documenting and organizing all the API's; but not every developer enjoys the documentation part of the job. The best way to assist us is to use a tool that can automatically prepare API documentation, and Swagger is the ideal tool for this purpose. Read this article to learn more!

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