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Beware of Scam

Important Announcement

We are writing this announcement because it has come to our attention that someone purporting to represent Mitrais has been sending emails, text messages, and social media messages on various platforms requesting the recipient’s personal information, and in some cases requesting funds transfers.

Important Announcement

We are writing this announcement because it has come to our attention that someone purporting to represent Mitrais has been sending emails, text messages, and social media messages on various platforms requesting the recipient’s personal information, and in some cases requesting funds transfers.

Beware of Scam

Mitrais takes the security of our organisation and our clients very seriously. Be assured that Mitrais will NEVER contact you in this way. Any email sent by Mitrais will originate from our domain (so from an address ending in An email from any other address purporting to be from Mitrais and requesting action on your part should be treated as suspicious.

Likewise, any message claiming to be from senders impersonating Mitrais (for instance, from Mitrais Customer Service or is NOT genuine and should be viewed as a potential threat.

In the unlikely event that you receive such a message from anyone claiming to be a Mitrais representative requesting you to provide information, send funds or follow any link, please:

  • DO NOT RESPOND to any such message
  • DO NOT OPEN any ATTACHMENTS associated with any such message
  • DO NOT CLICK any LINKS included in any such message
  • In the unlikely event that you receive such a message from anyone claiming to be a Mitrais

Mitrais online communications

If you have ANY DOUBT about the veracity of any message from Mitrais, please contact your assigned Mitrais Account Manager (using their usual contact details), or via our official website at

In addition to the email addresses, official Mitrais online communications only use the following accounts:

Our Contact Numbers are:

from Indonesia: 0361-849-7952
from Australia: 1800-755-025
from New Zealand: 0800-755-025
from Singapore: 3158-1185
beware of scam desc

For further information and inquiries concerning this matter, please Contact Mitrais.

Thank you for helping us keep you safe.

Mitrais Team